Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

We can never get enough of recipes and decorating ideas for ice cream cone cupcakes. Apparently. Cruising the Internet, I have chosen five of those for you. They suit most occasions, from a graduation party to a birthday party.

Here are the five recipes and decorating ideas ...
1. "Rich" chocolate cupcakes, baked in ice cream cones, topped with white frosting or chocolate frosting, and garnished with tiny sugar sprinkles —
2. Vanilla cake-mix cupcakes, baked in ice cream cones, topped with vanilla buttercream frosting, and garnished with sugar crystals — Serious Eats
3. Vanilla cupcakes, baked in ice cream cones, topped with vanilla buttercream frosting and your favorite ice cream-sauces, and decorated with mini chocolate flakes and sprinkles — The Pink Whisk
4. Chocolate mud cupcakes, baked in ice cream cones, topped with Swiss meringue vanilla buttercream frosting, garnished with a chocolate bar and colorful sprinkles — Off the Spork
5. Yellow or white cake-mix cupcakes, baked in ice cream cones, topped with vanilla frosting or chocolate frosting, and decorated with assorted sprinkles — Good Housekeeping
Photos: Flickr user colchu; used under a CC BY 2.0 license

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